Our Noetic Wisdom Imperative


          Our titular concern: with the quantum nonlocal collapse of hitherto objective spacetime ‘local reality’, what remains of this our beautiful world of objectively real stuff? What now is really real? And ‘who am I’ being here in Albert Einstein’s haunting “illusory time”? What hath relativistic quantum physics wrought upon our solid Local Scientific Realism/Materialism?

          Our venerable quantitative physics Standard Model of particles and forces with its two incommensurate and incomplete epistemic pillars—Quantum Field Theory and General Relativity Theory—is in process of a profound but quite “spooky” (Einstein’s spukhaft) qualitative ‘post-empirical’, post-metaphysical Kuhnian human knowledge ‘paradigm shift’.

          We have of late learned to understand this inchoate scientific and cultural revolution in our habitual “global web of belief” (Quine 1969) by the lights of Indo-Tibetan Buddhist Middle WayPrasangika, and acausal, nonlocal, nondual Ati Dzogchenontology, epistemology and psychology. [Boaz 2023 The Noetic Revolution: Toward an Integral Science of Matter, Mind and Spirit]

          At the end of the 19th century Rudyard Kipling told, “Oh, East is East and West is West, and never the twain shall meet.” Now on the cusp of our 21st century global Noetic Revolution, the subjective Wisdom of the East has ever so gently encountered the objective Science of the West. Yet Western culture Big Science still clings to its bygone ‘local reality’. And that is the rub.

          Does not this Promethean cultural drama point out a providential coming to meet of the subjectivity of the wisdom of Pre-modern East and the scientific objectivity of the Modern West through emerging 21st century epistemic colloquy of the ancient wisdom of centrist Buddhist Middle Way philosophy with recent nonlocal quantum physics and cosmology? Through that prior unity arises a gradual rapprochement of conceptual objective Science and perfectly subjective, all-embracing, nonconceptual, nondual Spirit ground in whom Science arises and is instantiated. [Boaz 2023 The Prior Unity of Science and Spirit: Toward a Noetic Quantum Ontology]

          Indeed, is not that natural confluence of our human noetic cognitive doublet—objective conceptual and subjective contemplative—Hamlet’s very “consummation devoutly to be wished” for human cognitive life? In short, this bright indwelling twofold Presence of our ‘already accomplished’ ontic prior and phenomenally present one truth unity resolves the destructive false dichotomy of naїve pretense to a purely objective Science, and a dubious subjective Spirit. Objective conceptual; subjective contemplative. Our ‘awareness management’ requires skillful use of both of these innate human cognitive modalities. Now the third factor is the unifying nondual wisdom clarity that embraces these two. All human dilemma, all relative questions are wisely approached through ultimate union of all three of these our indwelling love-wisdom voices.

          A unified objective/subjective view and praxis—with its emerging Contemplative Neuroscience of Consciousness, and its post-ideological post-formal numinous soteriology— presents a propitious opening for an Integral Noetic Science that is both origin and aim of our emerging 21st century Noetic Revolution in matter, mind, and spirit. That (tathata) is compassionate healing wisdom—indwelling Presence of our love-wisdom mind, by whatever grand name—that abides always already at the human spiritual Heart (hridyam, nyingpo). That happy awakening is our Heart’s desire. It’s like coming home. Let it be so.